rabbi payover's request   [catching up on hasafran so a few days ago]

many large jewish nursing homes , or 'senior residences' have libraries
sometimes even with empty shelves 
or maybe even nursing homes run by christian denominations with
an interest in understanding christianity's judaic roots

even more of a maybe
after having just read a book about the crisis in inner city public
school libraries
   if school librarians are trying to teach younger students how to use 
yes of course online, however seems to me that the 'how to' does not
depend on format, and if internet access a problem in the public school, then
using print even more worthwhile
   even if judaism not part of the local demographics, the 'how to' is about
encyclopedias in general

[pwd, can't do upper case in email ...]

shavua tov
tehillim 121, 122

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