I boiled the problems down to a simple example. There are no errors
reported about the messages, but the result is not what we expect.

This module tries to reproduce results of the real-time synthesizer
in scsynth's non-real-time mode.

import Sound.OpenSoundControl(OSC(Bundle), encodeOSC)
import Sound.OpenSoundControl.Byte (encode_i32)
import Sound.OpenSoundControl.Time(utc)
import Sound.OpenSoundControl.Transport(send)
import Sound.SC3
import qualified Sound.SC3.Server.Play as Play

import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as B

import System.Cmd (rawSystem)

beep = out 0 (sinOsc AR 440 0)

name ="Beep"

installSound n = d_recv . graphdef n . graph

bundle start t = Bundle (start+t)

rootId =  0
homeId =  1
autoId = -1

latency = 0.1

msgs :: [(Double, [OSC])]
msgs =
   (0, g_freeAll [rootId] :
       g_new [(homeId, AddToTail, rootId)] :
       installSound name beep :
       s_new name autoId AddToTail homeId [] :
       []) :
   (1, g_freeAll [homeId] :
       []) :

attachTimeStamps :: [(Double, [OSC])] -> IO [OSC]
attachTimeStamps ms =
   do now <- utc
      return (map (uncurry (bundle (now+latency))) ms)

realtime =
   Play.withSC3 $ \fd ->
      mapM (send fd) =<< attachTimeStamps msgs

encodeMsg :: OSC -> B.ByteString
encodeMsg msg =
   let b = encodeOSC msg
       n = fromIntegral (B.length b)
   in  B.append (encode_i32 n) b

oscFileName = "tone.osc"

nonrealtime =
   do let tsMsgs = map (uncurry Bundle) msgs
      B.writeFile oscFileName (B.concat (map encodeMsg tsMsgs))
      rawSystem "scsynth"
         ["-o", "1", "-N", oscFileName, "_", "tone.aiff",
          "44100", "AIFF", "int16"]

main =
   realtime >>

$ ghci NonRealtime.hs
*Main> realtime
................ audible beep
*Main> nonrealtime
Using Altivec: no
*** ERROR: open directory failed 'synthdefs'
start time 0.501933
*Main> :! wc -c tone.aiff
44342 tone.aiff

That is, the length is wrong (must be around 88000). The audio file
contains constant zero as signal. Can someone reproduce this?
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