On Mon, 3 Aug 2009, Håkan Thörngren wrote:


I am developing a calculator simulator which can do simple beeps.  The 
simulator figures
out the frequency and duration of the beep and informs a separate thread about 
it. That
thread is then supposed to perform the actual playing of the beep.

So far I have tried to use Synthesizer and I can sometimes get some fragments 
of beeps to
occur, but it  is very erratic and often/soon I tend to get:

<interactive>: fd:19: hPutBuf: resource vanished (Broken pipe)

after which no beeps occurs.  Probably my thread dies when this happens.

Too bad. I thought Sox would be an easy and portable way. But people already reported problems on Windows. Now Mac. I use Linux, where I also encountered a bug recently. Maybe a Sox bug? Have you tried 'sox' package and included examples alone?

Please see haskell-art archive. We had a discussion about such issues a month ago or so.
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