Note that, unfortunately, GHC's exhaustiveness checker is *not* good
enough to figure out that your predicates are covering. :o)  Perhaps
there is an improvement to be had here.


Excerpts from Albert Y. C. Lai's message of Mon Apr 22 00:51:46 -0700 2013:
> When I was writing
> I wanted to write: branching on predicates and then using selectors is 
> less efficient than pattern matching, since selectors repeat the tests 
> already done by predicates.
> It is only ethical to verify this claim before writing it. So here it 
> goes, eval uses pattern matching, fval uses predicates and selectors:
> module E where
> data E = Val{fromVal::Integer} | Neg{fromNeg::E}
>    | Add{fromAdd0, fromAdd1 :: E}
> isVal Val{} = True
> isVal _ = False
> isNeg Neg{} = True
> isNeg _ = False
> isAdd Add{} = True
> isAdd _ = False
> eval (Val n) = n
> eval (Neg e0) = - eval e0
> eval (Add e0 e1) = eval e0 + eval e1
> fval e | isVal e = fromVal e
>         | isNeg e = - fval (fromNeg e)
>         | isAdd e = fval (fromAdd0 e) + fval (fromAdd1 e)
> Simple and clear. What could possibly go wrong!
> $ ghc -O -c -ddump-simpl -dsuppress-all -dsuppress-uniques E.hs
> ...
> Rec {
> fval
> fval =
>    \ e ->
>      case e of _ {
>        Val ds -> ds;
>        Neg ds -> negateInteger (fval ds);
>        Add ipv ipv1 -> plusInteger (fval ipv) (fval ipv1)
>      }
> end Rec }
> Rec {
> eval
> eval =
>    \ ds ->
>      case ds of _ {
>        Val n -> n;
>        Neg e0 -> negateInteger (eval e0);
>        Add e0 e1 -> plusInteger (eval e0) (eval e1)
>      }
> end Rec }
> Which of the following best describes my feeling?
> [ ] wait, what?
> [ ] lol
> [ ] speechless
> [ ] oh man
> [ ] I am so pwn3d
> [ ] I can't believe it
> [ ] what can GHC not do?!
> [ ] but what am I going to say in my article?!
> [ ] why is GHC making my life hard?!
> [X] all of the above

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