Hi Jared,

Oh -- does Elm have a denotational semantics? I haven't heard of one. I
just now skimmed the informal description of the Signal
and from the reference to "updates" in the description of "merge", it sound
like whatever semantics it might have, it couldn't be function-of-time. I'm
intrigued with your interpretation. I wonder what it could mean for an
event to be a derivative, especially partial one, and for arbitrary types.

-- Conal

On Wed, Apr 24, 2013 at 1:48 PM, earl obscure <theanswertoprobl...@gmail.com
> wrote:

> Hi Conal,
> Caveat pre-emptor I'm new to haskell, frp, etc.... ..  anyway how I was
> interpreting Elm's Eventbased strict FRP, was that each event was the
> partial derivative of the continuous time variable,  and then since it was
> being strict, it would evaluate the tangent line or state of the system at
> that point, only update when necessary.
> Now related to Continuations, this is something I've been thinking about
> as well,but haven't gotten very far; apparently cont monad, and comonad are
> closely related.  I was hoping to use the comonad rules, extend/duplicate
> to encode different continuations paths, and then extract when, a
> continuation path is chosen.  Was hoping maybe the analog would be PDE's,
> or something more general than my interpretation of Elm's FRP.
> These are just random thoughts that I wanted to get out. Thanks.
> Jared Nicholson.
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