The RTS was ported to Android, yes. But not by me. I just wrote
ghc-android, which is just a build script to help people with setting up
the somewhat complex cross-compiler build.

IIRC Nathan Hüsken did most of the porting work.

Everything you need should be on github. ghc-android and foreign-jni is
pretty much it right now.

Using the JNI is a bit ugly, yes. But I see it really as just a tool for
writing more appealing API bindings, which is what I am working on now.

On 2013-05-28 15:35, Kristopher Micinski wrote:
> I'm also interested in seeing this.
> Have you ported the Haskell runtime to Android?  It seems like this
> should be able to be done, and through the JNI it seems like you should
> be able to get the system API (albeit, ugly).
> However, I'd be really happy to see this setup if you were willing to
> put it up somewhere so I could hack on it too.
> Kris
> On Mon, May 27, 2013 at 8:07 PM, Manuel M T Chakravarty
> < <>> wrote:
>     CJ van den Berg < <>>:
>     > I have successfully written Java/Haskell programs using the Java
>     > Native Interface. You can find my JNI to Haskell binding library at
>     > I am primarily using it to
>     > write Android Apps with Haskell,
>     Just out of curiosity, have you got any complete apps that you built
>     that way? Are they in the Google Store?
>     Manuel
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CJ van den Berg

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