"D. Tweed" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Unfortunately the last time I looked at CWEB it still had the same idea
> about identifiers as WEB itself, namely that if they match textually
> they are the same, which makes the automatic indexes produced less useful
> for C++: I've got twelve classes all with a `read()' method plus any in
> (Of course, the indexes only matter if like me you prefer reading
> hardcopy or work on trains, etc.) 

It would equally hurt cross-referencing, wouldn't it?

Emacs' haskell-mode seems to have hard coded a few type signatures
from the Prelude, and while probably useful, it'd be much more neat if 
it could work out what functions actually were referenced.  (And not
try to deduce types in comments!)

Anyway, my problem with literate programming is that I don't really
know what to put in there with the source code.  Usage documentation?
Explanations about implementation details?  Tutorial and examples?

I guess one reason the Perl documentation works so well, is that the
target is clearly defined: man pages.

If I haven't seen further, it is by standing in the footprints of giants

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