At 2002-02-24 22:46, Tom Bevan wrote:

>I've come across this sort of data constructor below many times but I'm
>not really sure how to use it. Can someone please point me to the right
>section in the documentation?
"Labelled Fields"

>In particular, I want to know how to create a calendar time and how to
>access the fields .
>data CalendarTime = CalendarTime {
>               ctYear   :: Int,
>               ctMonth  :: Month,
>               ctDay, ctHour, ctMin, ctSec  :: Int,
>               ctPicosec :: Integer,
>               ctWDay    :: Day,
>               ctYDay       :: Int,
>               ctTZName   :: String,
>               ctTZ          :: Int,
>               ctIsDST :: Bool
>       } deriving (Eq, Ord, Read, Show)

Basically it's equivalent to this:

data CalendarTime = CalendarTime Int Month Int Int Int Int Integer Day 
Int String Int Bool deriving (Eq, Ord, Read, Show);

ctYear (CalendarTime x _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _) = x;
ctMonth (CalendarTime _ x _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _) = x;
ctDay (CalendarTime _ _ x _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _) = x;

...but you can also use the labelled fields to construct:

    ctYear = 2002,
    ctMonth = 2,

Ashley Yakeley, Seattle WA

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