Ashley Yakeley writes:
 > Are there any useful monads that are instances of both MonadCont and 
 > MonadFix? I can't make the two meet. Perhaps this is because 
 > continuations have no fixed point, or something. Very annoying.

If you have a recursive monad with first-class references (such as IO
or ST s), you can define a continuation monad on top of it with an
instance of MonadFix I enclose below.  The instance seems to make
sense operationally, but as Levent Erkök has pointed out, it doesn't
satisfy the left-shrinking axiom for recursive monads:

    fixM (\x -> a >>= f x)    ==    a >>= \y -> fixM (\x -> f x y)

This axiom comes from Levent's and John Launchbury's ICFP'00
paper, see

Moreover, I suspect that the instance breaks the axiom for callcc,
which shows how any evaluation context E can be pushed inside a

   E[callcc e] = callcc (\k' -> E[e (\z -> k' (E[z]))]

This is for callcc without monadic types, see Sabry's and Friedman's
paper on "Recursion is a Computational Effect", at



class Monad m => FixMonad m where
  fixM :: (a -> m a) -> m a

class Monad m => Ref m r | m -> r where
  newRef   :: a -> m (r a)
  readRef  :: r a -> m a
  writeRef :: r a -> a -> m ()

newtype C m a = C ((a -> m ()) -> m ())
deC (C m) = m

instance (FixMonad m, Ref m r) => FixMonad (C m) where
  fixM m = C $ \k -> do
              x <- newRef Nothing
              a <- fixM $ \a -> do
                     deC (m a) $ \a -> do
                           ma <- readRef x
                           case ma of 
                             Nothing -> do writeRef x (Just a)
                             Just _  -> k a
                     ma <- readRef x
                     case ma of
                        Just a -> return a
                        Nothing -> error "fixM"
              k a
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