G'day all.

On Sun, Jun 30, 2002 at 01:51:56PM +0100, Peter G. Hancock wrote:

> Why not have a monad m a = Int -> (a,Int) which is a state monad plus
> the operation bump : Int -> m Int
>  bump k n = (n,n+k) 

Oh, ye of insufficient genericity.  We can do better than that...

        import MonadTrans

        class (Monad m, Enum i) => MonadCounter i m | m -> i where
                bump :: Int -> m i
        newtype CounterT i m a = CounterT { runCounterT :: i -> m (a,i) }

        instance (Monad m, Enum i) => Monad (CounterT i m) where
                return a = CounterT $ \x -> return (a, x)
                m >>= k  = CounterT $ \x -> do
                        (a, x') <- runCounterT m x
                        runCounterT (k a) x'
                fail str = CounterT $ \_ -> fail str

        instance (Monad m, Enum i) => MonadCounter i (CounterT i m) where
                bump k = CounterT $ \x ->
                        let (next:_) = drop k [x..]
                        in return (x, next)   

        instance (Enum i) => MonadTrans (CounterT i) where
                lift m = CounterT $ \x -> do
                        a <- m
                        return (a, x)

        evalCounterT :: (Monad m, Enum i) => CounterT i m a -> i -> m a
        evalCounterT m x = do
                (a, _) <- runCounterT m x
                return a

        -- Example code follows

        main :: IO ()
        main = evalCounterT count 0

        count :: CounterT Int IO ()
        count = do
                x1 <- bump 1
                x2 <- bump 5
                x3 <- bump 0
                x4 <- bump 1
                lift (putStrLn $ show [x1,x2,x3,x4])

I'd better get back to work now.

Andrew Bromage
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