At 10:58 12/07/03 +0100, Alastair Reid wrote:
we could have 'context synonyms' like:

class Num a => (Add a, Subtract a, FromInteger a, Eq a, Multiply a, ...)

Adding context synonyms would make it possible to write types concisely when
using fine-grained class hierarchies and would also be useful with extensions
like Hugs' T-REX or implicit parameters.

I must be missing something... isn't the effect achieved by:

class (Add a, Subtract a, FromInteger a, Eq a, Multiply a, ...) => Num a


I guess it would be nice if declaring an instance of Num could specify the methods for Add, Subtract, etc...), but that seems a small thing, and I'm not sure it wouldn't introduce other problems.


------------------- Graham Klyne <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> PGP: 0FAA 69FF C083 000B A2E9 A131 01B9 1C7A DBCA CB5E

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