(D) is OK, if the request is respectful (it's what I'd do for a neighbour
who was studying for a course, who asked me nicely for assistance with some
part of it). It depends on whether you feel like volunteering your time to
help that person, really. (E) is a sensible, neutral response - make it
clear that the answers are out there, but you have to look for them and
puzzle them through yourself.


----- Original Message -----
Sent: Friday, August 29, 2003 3:09 AM
Subject: Re: Poll: How to respond to homework questions

> > (A) Give a perfect answer.
> > (B) Give a subtly flawed answer.
> > (C) Give an obfuscated answer.
> > (D) Give a critique of what the questioner has tried so far.
> > (E) Give relevant general advice without answering the specific
> >
> As a general rule, I require any student who comes to me for help to
> demonstrate that he (she) has made an attempt to solve the problem. After
> that, I have found a combination of D and E gets the best results. Please
> note that I encourage my students to ask for help if they are stuck after
> making an honest effort (for various reasons ranging from outright fear to
> simple lack of knowledge about how to relate to college instructors, many
> won't even approach their instructors without such an instruction).
> Murray Gross
> Brooklyn College
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