I have a need for an algorithm to perform "subsumption" on partially ordered sets of values. That is, given a selection of values from a partially ordered set, remove all values from the collection that are less than some other member of the collection.

Below is some code I have written, which works, but I'm not sure that it's especially efficient or elegant. Are there any published Haskell libraries that contain something like this?


(The implementation here is based on values of type (Eq a) => [Maybe a], where the partial ordering is defined by function 'pcompare'. Function dropSubsumed (and helpers) is the subsumption calculation. testds1, testds2, testds3, testds4, testds5 are test cases, and all should be True.)

-- Type for result of partial order comparison (PNR is no-relationship)
data PartOrdering = PLT | PEQ | PGT | PNR deriving (Eq, Show)

--  Drop tuples from the supplied list that are subsumed by
--  more specific ones.
dropSubsumed :: (Eq a) => [[Maybe a]] -> [[Maybe a]]
dropSubsumed []      = []
dropSubsumed [a]     = [a]
dropSubsumed (a1:as) = dropSubsumed1 a1 as

dropSubsumed1 a1 []       = [a1]
dropSubsumed1 a1 (a2:a2s) = case pcompare a1 a2 of
    PEQ -> dropSubsumed1 a1 a2s
    PGT -> dropSubsumed1 a1 a2s
    PLT -> dropSubsumed1 a2 a2s
    PNR -> dropSubsumed2 [] a1 $ dropSubsumed1 a2 a2s

--  Merge new head element into list from which subsumed elements
--  have already been removed.  The extra (first) parameter is used
--  to construct a result in which the order of remaining elements
--  is preserved with respect to the original list.
dropSubsumed2 a1s a []          = a : revConcat a1s []
dropSubsumed2 a1s a ar@(a2:a2s) = case pcompare a a2 of
    PEQ -> a : revConcat a1s a2s
    PGT -> a : revConcat a1s a2s
    PLT -> revConcat a1s ar
    PNR -> dropSubsumed2 (a2:a1s) a a2s

revConcat :: [a] -> [a] -> [a]
revConcat [] a2s = a2s
revConcat (a1:a1s) a2s = revConcat a1s (a1:a2s)

--  Perform subsumption calculation between a pair of tuples
--  A tuple with more information subsumes a one with less but
--  consistent information.
pcompare :: (Eq a) => [Maybe a] -> [Maybe a] -> PartOrdering
pcompare a1s a2s = pcompare1 a1s a2s PEQ
pcompare1 []            []            po = po
pcompare1 (Just _:a1s)  (Nothing:a2s) po =
    if (po == PEQ) || (po==PGT) then pcompare1 a1s a2s PGT else PNR
pcompare1 (Nothing:a1s) (Just _:a2s)  po =
    if (po == PEQ) || (po==PLT) then pcompare1 a1s a2s PLT else PNR
pcompare1 (a1:a1s)     (a2:a2s)       po =
    if a1 == a2 then pcompare1 a1s a2s po else PNR
pcompare1 _            _              _  = PNR

testds1 = ds1a == ds1b
ds1a = dropSubsumed
    [ [Just 'a',Just 'b',Just 'c']
    , [Just 'a',Just 'b',Nothing ]
    , [Just 'a',Nothing ,Just 'c']
    , [Just 'a',Nothing ,Nothing ]
    , [Nothing ,Just 'b',Just 'c']
    , [Nothing ,Just 'b',Nothing ]
    , [Nothing ,Nothing ,Just 'c']
    , [Nothing ,Nothing ,Nothing ]
ds1b =
    [ [Just 'a',Just 'b',Just 'c']

testds2 = ds2a == ds2b
ds2a = dropSubsumed
    [ [Just 'a',Just 'b',Nothing ]
    , [Just 'a',Nothing ,Just 'c']
    , [Just 'a',Nothing ,Nothing ]
    , [Nothing ,Just 'b',Just 'c']
    , [Nothing ,Just 'b',Nothing ]
    , [Nothing ,Nothing ,Just 'c']
    , [Nothing ,Nothing ,Nothing ]
ds2b =
    [ [Just 'a',Just 'b',Nothing ]
    , [Just 'a',Nothing ,Just 'c']
    , [Nothing ,Just 'b',Just 'c']

testds3 = ds3a == ds3b
ds3a = dropSubsumed
    [ [Just "a1",Just "b1",Just "c1"]
    , [Just "a2",Just "b2",Nothing  ]
    , [Just "a3",Nothing  ,Just "c3"]
    , [Just "a4",Nothing  ,Nothing  ]
    , [Nothing  ,Just "b5",Just "c5"]
    , [Nothing  ,Just "b6",Nothing  ]
    , [Nothing  ,Nothing  ,Just "c7"]
    , [Nothing  ,Nothing  ,Nothing  ]
ds3b =
    [ [Just "a1",Just "b1",Just "c1"]
    , [Just "a2",Just "b2",Nothing  ]
    , [Just "a3",Nothing  ,Just "c3"]
    , [Just "a4",Nothing  ,Nothing  ]
    , [Nothing  ,Just "b5",Just "c5"]
    , [Nothing  ,Just "b6",Nothing  ]
    , [Nothing  ,Nothing  ,Just "c7"]

testds4 = ds4a == ds4b
ds4a = dropSubsumed
    [ [Just 1, Just 1 ]
    , [Just 2, Nothing]
    , [Nothing,Just 3 ]
    , [Nothing,Nothing]
ds4b =
    [ [Just 1, Just 1 ]
    , [Just 2, Nothing]
    , [Nothing,Just 3 ]

-- Check handling of equal values
testds5 = ds5a == ds5b
ds5a = dropSubsumed
    [ [Just 1, Just 1 ]
    , [Just 2, Nothing]
    , [Nothing,Just 3 ]
    , [Nothing,Nothing]
    , [Just 1, Just 1 ]
    , [Just 2, Nothing]
    , [Nothing,Just 3 ]
ds5b =
    [ [Just 1, Just 1 ]
    , [Just 2, Nothing]
    , [Nothing,Just 3 ]

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