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At 18:19 06/01/04 +1030, Dr Mark H Phillips wrote:
I am still learning about monads.  I have a problem
in mind and am wondering whether state monads are
able to solve it.  The difficulty is that it would
necessitate the interaction of two state threads
and I'm not sure whether Haskell state monads
allow this.  Let me explain what I'm getting at.

I'm not an expert in this, but I think what you are proposing is possible, to a point, possibly assuming that your monads have associated functions to combine and separate the monadic parts.

Hmmm, let's try something...


  combine  :: ma -> mb -> mab
  separate :: mab -> (ma,mb)

(where ma, mb, mab are the separate and combined state monads)

  f :: ma () -> mb () -> mc ()
  f a b =
    do { ma1 <- fa1 a  -- process state in a, returning ma1
                       -- fa1 :: ma -> mc ma
       ; mb1 <- fb1 b  -- process state in b, returning mb1
       ; let mab1 = combine ma1 mb1
       ; mab2 = fab mab1
       ; let (ma2,mb2) = separate mab2
       ; ma3 <- fa3 ma2  -- process state in ma2
       ; mb3 <- fb3 mb2  -- process state in mb2
       ; return (fc ma3 mb3)

(This code is speculative, not tested in any way.)

In this case, a third monad is used to schedule the operations on the separate monads, so in that respect the entire sequence is performed in a composite monad, within which methods defined for the separate monads can be invoked.
To get the results, Monad 'mc' would need to provide a way to pick them out.

It looks as if the combined monad 'mab' is probably superfluous. I think the composite monad 'mc' might be avoided, but some of the efficiency advantage of monads would be lost as the single-threading of each monad is potentially broken.

I think that this may be all be achieved more cleanly using the monad transformer libraries and 'lift' methods -- can a state transformer be applied to a state monad?

What I have noticed in my work with monads is that in most respects they can be treated just like any other value. Although they look different, a do sequence is just a monad-returning function, and any monad-returning function may be a do sequence.

In my own work, I was pleasantly surprised how easy it was to use a Parsec parser monad (effectively a state monad, I think) to parse some data and return a combined state+IO monad, effectively precompiling a script, which which could then be executed by applying the resulting monad to an initial state, all within an IO monad. The code which does this can be seen at:

The main parser declaration is:
script :: N3Parser [SwishStateIO ()]
where 'script' is a Parsec parser monad which parses a script and returns a list of 'SwishStateIO ()' values, each of which is a combined state+IO monad.


Consider two state threads.  The first has each state
being a non-negative int, thought of as a string of
binary digits.  The second thread has each state
being a bool.

Now I want to have a state monad which modifies
both threads as follows.  Consider input states i (the
int thought of as binary string) and b (the bool),
and output states i' and b'.

  b' = not (b && (i `mod` 2))
  i' = i `div` 2

As you can see, both of these should be able to do
update-in-place provided the above order is adhered to.
We could achieve this using state monads where state
is an (Int, Bool) pair.  We would have one monad
which did the first line, leaving i unchanged and
a second monad which did the second line, leaving
b' unchanged.

But... what if before this interaction, the int
thread and the bool thread were separate monads
doing their own thing, and we just wanted to
combine these threads briefly (using the above
interaction) before letting the threads do their
own thing again?  Is this possible?

Also, suppose we have previously defined an int thread
monad which takes i, returns a value of i `mod` 2,
and changes the state to i' = i `div` 2.  Suppose
also we have previously defined a bool thread
monad which takes b, returns a nothing value, and
changes the state to b' = not b.  Can we use
these two monads (each acting on different
threads), to form a combined-interaction monad
that does (same as before):

  b' = not (b && (i `mod` 2))
  i' = i `div` 2

I hope this is possible.  It would facilitate
both code reuse and readability.  However I
fear that it is not, requiring one to instead
explicitly rewrite the two separate thread monads
into (Int, Bool) pair acting ones.



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