I find that I don't need unit testing frameworks. A few features of Haskell and the associated interpreters (ghci and hugs) combine to make "unit testing as you go" really easy. I just write a few tests for each function I write and then some more module wide tests once the whole module is finished. Sometimes I need a little scaffolding to be able to output complex data types (or type synonyms), but often just deriving Show does the job!

To me, unit testing is two things
 - testing at a low level (each and every function_
 - regression testing by running all the unit tests again

The second may benefit more from the frameworks, but I find the first can be done very effectively on an "ad-hoc" basis.


On 12/01/2005, at 6:05 AM, Dmitri Pissarenko wrote:


When programming in an imperative language like Java, unit tests are a very
important development tool IMHO.

I want to try out unit testing in Haskell and wonder what experienced Haskellers
think about unit testing in Haskell in general and the hUnit testing framework
(see URL below) in particular?


What other unit testing frameworks for Haskell do you use?


Dmitri Pissarenko
Software Engineer
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