Simon Marlow wrote:

On 20 January 2005 09:56, Keean Schupke wrote:

Why is disk a special case? I have never heard that all processes
under linux wait for a disk read...

You were talking about Haskell threads, not processes! These are quite
different things.

But with -threaded GHC is using multiple processes (OS-threads)
to run the Haskell threads. If one OS thread handles IO, and the other
runs the Haskell-thread-scheduler, then Haskell-threads need never
wait for IO - apart form the actual thread doing the IO.

The reason that disk I/O is different is because select() treats it
differently, and select() is what GHC's runtime currently uses to
multiplex I/O.

Are you sure? Its not mentioned in the manual...

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