
Thanks for your answer!

Perhaps try:

do ...
   ciwd <- sequence classifiedImagesWithData
   let allImages = (getImages ciwd)

as it seems like you're trying to gave getImages act on a value of
type [IO (ClassifiedImage, Image)]. Applying sequence to
classifiedImagesWithData will turn it into an IO [(ClassifiedImage,
Image)] by doing the natural thing, from which you can pull out the
list to apply getImages to.

I've tried that and wrote

let classifiedImagesWithData = ((return trainingSet) >>= readClassifiedImages)
ciwd <- (sequence classifiedImagesWithData)
let allImages = (getImages ciwd)

Now, I get the error

Compiling ExperimentalYaleDb ( ExperimentalYaleFaceDb.hs, interpreted )

    Couldn't match `[]' against `IO'
        Expected type: [[a]]
        Inferred type: [IO (ClassifiedImage, Image)]
    In the first argument of `sequence', namely
    In a 'do' expression: ciwd <- (sequence classifiedImagesWithData)
Failed, modules loaded: TestLik, Lik, HUnit, HUnitText, HUnitBase, HUnitLang.

at line

ciwd <- (sequence classifiedImagesWithData)

Are there any other options?

Thanks in advance

Dmitri Pissarenko

PS: Maybe the error is rooted in code parts other than those given here. In
the attachment there is the code of the main program
(ExperimentalYaleFaceDb.hs) and the function definitions (Lik.hs).
Dmitri Pissarenko
Software Engineer

module ExperimentalYaleDb

import Lik

createTrainingSet = [(ClassifiedImage "../data-test/yalefaces-pgm/subject01.centerlight.pgm" "subject01"),
		(ClassifiedImage "../data-test/yalefaces-pgm/subject02.centerlight.pgm" "subject02"),
		(ClassifiedImage "../data-test/yalefaces-pgm/subject03.centerlight.pgm" "subject03"),
		(ClassifiedImage "../data-test/yalefaces-pgm/subject04.centerlight.pgm" "subject04"),
		(ClassifiedImage "../data-test/yalefaces-pgm/subject05.centerlight.pgm" "subject05"),
		(ClassifiedImage "../data-test/yalefaces-pgm/subject06.centerlight.pgm" "subject06"),
		(ClassifiedImage "../data-test/yalefaces-pgm/subject07.centerlight.pgm" "subject07"),
		(ClassifiedImage "../data-test/yalefaces-pgm/subject08.centerlight.pgm" "subject08"),
		(ClassifiedImage "../data-test/yalefaces-pgm/subject09.centerlight.pgm" "subject09"),
		(ClassifiedImage "../data-test/yalefaces-pgm/subject10.centerlight.pgm" "subject10")]

main = do
	-- create a list of image to subject mapping
	-- the training set is all centerlight images of subjects 1 to 10
	-- Following images are not contained in the training set
	-- a) images of subjects 11 to 15 
	-- b) images of subjects 1 to 10, which are not centerlight
	let trainingSet = [(ClassifiedImage "../data-test/yalefaces-pgm/subject01.centerlight.pgm" "subject01"),
		(ClassifiedImage "../data-test/yalefaces-pgm/subject02.centerlight.pgm" "subject02"),
		(ClassifiedImage "../data-test/yalefaces-pgm/subject03.centerlight.pgm" "subject03"),
		(ClassifiedImage "../data-test/yalefaces-pgm/subject04.centerlight.pgm" "subject04"),
		(ClassifiedImage "../data-test/yalefaces-pgm/subject05.centerlight.pgm" "subject05"),
		(ClassifiedImage "../data-test/yalefaces-pgm/subject06.centerlight.pgm" "subject06"),
		(ClassifiedImage "../data-test/yalefaces-pgm/subject07.centerlight.pgm" "subject07"),
		(ClassifiedImage "../data-test/yalefaces-pgm/subject08.centerlight.pgm" "subject08"),
		(ClassifiedImage "../data-test/yalefaces-pgm/subject09.centerlight.pgm" "subject09"),
		(ClassifiedImage "../data-test/yalefaces-pgm/subject10.centerlight.pgm" "subject10")]
        trainingSet :: [ClassifiedImage]
        -- read images from files
        let classifiedImagesWithData = ((return trainingSet) >>= readClassifiedImages)
        ciwd <- (sequence classifiedImagesWithData)

        -- calculate average image
        --let allImages = (getImages classifiedImagesWithData)

        let allImages = (getImages ciwd)
	-- calculate eigenfaces of the training set
	-- calculate weights of the training set
	-- now create a list of unknown images
	-- these are 
	-- a) images of subjects 11 to 15 
	-- b) images of subjects 1 to 10, which are not centerlight
        return 0
module Lik

import IO
import Array

data ClassifiedImage = ClassifiedImage {imageFileName :: String, subjectID :: String}
        deriving Show

--type ClassifiedImageWithData = IO (ClassifiedImage, IO Image)
type ClassifiedImageWithData = (ClassifiedImage, Image)
type Image = [Double]

--getImagesSelector :: Monad IO => IO (ClassifiedImage, Image) -> Image
getImagesSelector :: (ClassifiedImage, Image) -> Image
getImagesSelector classifiedImageWithData = snd classifiedImageWithData

getImages :: [(ClassifiedImage, Image)] -> [Image]
-- getImages classifiedImgs = (map getImagesSelector classifiedImgs)
getImages classifiedImgs = snd (unzip classifiedImgs)

readClassifiedImages :: [ClassifiedImage] -> [IO (ClassifiedImage, Image)]
readClassifiedImages classifiedImages = (map readClassifiedImagesSelector classifiedImages)

--readClassifiedImagesSelector :: ClassifiedImage -> IO (ClassifiedImage, Image)
readClassifiedImagesSelector classifiedImg = do
        image <- (readImageAsDouble classifiedImg)
        return (classifiedImg, image)

readImageAsDouble :: ClassifiedImage -> IO Image
readImageAsDouble classifiedImg = do
        imageAsString <- readImage (imageFileName classifiedImg)
        return (normalizeImg (convertToList imageAsString))

readImage :: String -> IO String
readImage filename = do 
	fileContent <- readFile filename
	return fileContent

writeImage filename stuffToWrite = do
	writeFile filename stuffToWrite

commentLine :: String -> Bool
commentLine text | ((head text) == '#') = True
                 | otherwise = False

noCommentLine :: String -> Bool
noCommentLine text = not (commentLine text)

removeComments :: String -> String
removeComments text = foldr (appendWithSeparator) "" linesWithoutComments
	where linesWithoutComments = filter noCommentLine (lines text)

appendWithSeparator :: String -> String -> String
appendWithSeparator part1 part2 = whole
	where whole = part1 ++ " " ++ part2
convertToArr :: forall a. (Read a) => String -> Array Int a
convertToArr fileContent = listArray (1, imgDatLength) imgDat
	where  	imgDat = convertToList fileContent
		imgDatLength = length imgDat
convertToList fileContent = drop 3 fileContentNumbers
	where 	fileContentNoComments = removeComments fileContent
		fileContentTokens = words fileContentNoComments
	      -- fileContentTokens contains token "P2", the magic number, which
	      -- we don't need
	      -- we "remove" it by taking the tail of fileContentTokens
	      	fileContentNumbers = map read (tail fileContentTokens)
		fileContentNumArr = listArray (1, length fileContentNumbers) fileContentNumbers

convertToFileContent :: Int -> Int -> Int -> [Int] -> String
convertToFileContent width height maxGray pixels = foldr (appendWithSeparator) [] (["P2", (show width), (show height), (show maxGray)] ++ pixelsAsStrings)
	where pixelsAsStrings = map show pixels

normalizeImg :: [Int] -> Image
normalizeImg img = map normalizePixel imgAsDouble
	where imgAsDouble = map fromIntegral img

normalizePixel :: Double -> Double
normalizePixel pixel = pixel/255

averageImage :: [Image] -> Image
averageImage images = map (/ numberOfImages) sum
		sum = sumOfImages images
		numberOfImages = fromIntegral(length images)

sumOfImages :: [Image] -> Image
sumOfImages images = foldr (add2Img) emptyImg images
	where emptyImg = replicate (length (head images)) 0.0

add2Img :: Image -> Image -> Image
add2Img summand1 summand2 = sum
	where sum = zipWith (+) summand1 summand2

denormalizeImg :: Image -> Image
denormalizeImg normalizedImage = map (*255) normalizedImage

doubleToInt :: Image -> [Int]
doubleToInt image = map (ceiling) image
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