Switching to -cafe...

At 12:14 22/03/05 +0000, Malcolm Wallace wrote:
>    import http://domain.org/package-1.0.cabal#Network.HTTP as HTTP
>    import http://hage.org/package-2.1.cabal#Network.HTTP as HTTP2
>       --note use of HTTP fragment identifier for module name

I cannot see any of the Haskell compilers ever implementing this idea
as presented.  It would introduce an enormous raft of requirements
(networking client, database mapping, caching, etc) that do not belong
in a compiler - they belong in separate (preprocessing/packaging)
tools.  Furthermore, these tools already exist, albeit they are young
and have a long maturation process still ahead of them.

Well, I'd agree the networking stuff don't belong in the compiler. In the operating system, I'd suggest, as part of the I/O and file system.

In the long, I believe the distinction between local and networked resources will fade away (other than for practical purposes, as today with specific networked file systems), and URIs are an effective and standardized way to identify all kinds of resources.


------------ Graham Klyne For email: http://www.ninebynine.org/#Contact

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