You can do this like:

>data TTrue = TTrue
>data TFalse = TFalse
>data Nil = Nil
>data Cons a l = Cons a l
>class Constrain c a b | c a -> b where
>    constrain :: c -> a -> b
>data ZConstraint = ZConstraint
>instance Z a b => Constrain ZConstraint a b
>class List c l
>instance List c Nil
>instance (Constrain c a TTrue,List c l) => List c (Cons a l)

Now define a class 'Z' using a fundep such that 'b' becomes TTrue if 'a' is in Z.

>class Z a b | a -> b where
>instance (TypeEq a Int b,TypeEq a Float b,TOr a b c) => Z a c
> -- Int and Float are members of Z, TypeEq and TOr come from the
> -- HList library.

Finally you can constrain the list:

>f :: List ZConstraint l -> List ZConstraint l
>f x = x


Bo Herlin wrote:

Hi everyone. Being new to Haskell I wonder how I can make a list contain different types but all implementing the same class, like this:

data X = X
data Y = Y

class Z a where f :: a -> Int

instance Z X where f x = 0
instance Z Y where f y = 1

test1 :: Z a => [a]
test1 = [X,Y]

test2 = map f test1

Is it possible to make this work?

/Bo Herlin
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