Sven Panne ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:

> So my question in a nutshell: Why shall we move away from the mainstream
> when the rest of the world (or most of) is quite happy with CVS or is
> moving to subversion? I'm not completely against it, but we should have
> very, very good reasons to do so.

Amongst other reasons mentioned by others, I prefer darcs 'cause it does
not have database dependence and I heard enough stories of corrupted
databases & subversion. (the same argument applies to Monotone as well.)


> Cheers,
>     S.
> P.S.: Yes, I'm aware of other development models like the one used for the
> Linux kernel, where CVS/subversion are not appropriate, but is fptools
> really a similar project? I don't expect hundreds of people working in a
> very distributed manner on extensions of e.g. a type checker... :-]
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