Dominic Steinitz writes:

 > I don't think they are in the standard libraries but
 > there was some discussion about them a few months ago but
 > I couldn't find a reference.

 > Peter, Can you supply one?

Naturally. ;-) The discussion started here:

There were many different (but more or less equivalent)
versions of these combinators posted in the thread.

 > Did you put a library of this sort of thing together?

Not yet. I still plan to set up a Darcs repository for this
kind of thing ("prelude extensions" it is called on the
Wiki), but I may not get around to it for the next couple of
weeks, unfortunately. I've recently started working as
full-time a software developer (in C++, yuck), and ever
since my own private projects have come to a screeching
halt. It's very annoying. Anyway, I guess I'm not the only
one on this list who has that problem. ;-)


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