
If it is syntactical simplicity that you like you might want to learn Scheme as an introduction to FP. I'm no expert on either Scheme or Haskell, but we all have to agree it is an elegant language. I'm currently teaching myself the two in parallel, and I find that scheme is sort of the C of FP, in the sense that it doesn't try to be too fancy in what it gives you. No fancy type system there, but you can build just about anything with it. There's also some good teaching material for learning it. The book Structure and Interperetation of Computer Programs for one. And the lectures at:


By the authors of the book, who incedently were some of the creators of the language.

Scheme is strict, so it lacks some of the flexibility (and drawbacks) that come from Laziness, but in the book they teach you how to build a Lazy version of Scheme, which is instructive in understanding what's really going on in Lazy evaluation. Anyway, I'll stop now.

Cheers, Bryce

On Wed, 4 May 2005, Daniel Carrera wrote:

I have a strong preference for languages with clear, simple models. For example, I like C better than C++, and Ruby better than Python. Even if something might take fewer lines in C++ than in C, or be faster in Python than in Ruby, I like the feeling that I understand what I'm doing. And I see elegance in a simple model with few exceptions.

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