Have you seen the OOHaskell paper (the follow up to the HList paper)...
It looks like
you do much the same thing - with some differences... Would be
interesting to get your
comments on the paper:



Einar Karttunen wrote:

>I recently ended up hacking a quite concise implementation of
>mutable open (extensible) records in Haskell. Most of the ideas 
>came from the HList-paper, but this seems like a very simple way of
>doing things.
>Run with ghci -fglasgow-exts -fallow-overlapping-instances.
>Import some stuff we are going to need later:
>>import Control.Monad.Reader
>>import Data.IORef
>>import System
>Monad for mutable record calculations - to get implisit this/self in the
>OO sense.
>>newtype OO t r = OO (ReaderT t IO r) deriving(Monad, MonadReader t, MonadIO)
>>with :: s -> OO s a -> OO b a
>>with this (OO c) = liftIO (runReaderT c this)
>>ooToIO :: OO s a -> IO a
>>ooToIO (OO c) = runReaderT c undefined
>First the record constructor - followed by the terminator.
>>data a :.: r = RC !a !r
>>infixr :.:
>>data END = END
>Next we define a field access method.
>>class Select r f t | r f -> t                 where (!) :: r -> f -> Ref t
>>instance Select (Field f t :.: r) f t         where (!) (RC (F x) _) _ = x
>>instance Select r f t => Select (a :.: r) f t where (!) (RC _ t) = (!) t
>And finally the type of mutable fields.
>>type Ref a = IORef a
>>newtype Field name rtype = F (Ref rtype)
>Next we define a way to construct record values.
>>infixr ##
>>(##) :: v -> OO s r -> OO s ((Field f v) :.: r)
>>(##) v r = do { h <- liftIO (newIORef v); t <- r; return (RC (F h) t) }
>>end = return END :: OO s END
>Get the value of a field.
>>value :: Select s f t => f -> OO s t
>>value a  = do x <- asks (\s -> s!a) 
>>              liftIO (readIORef x)
>Or set the value of a field.
>>(<-:) :: Select s f t => f -> t -> OO s () 
>>a <-: b  = do x <- asks (\s -> s!a)
>>              liftIO (writeIORef x b)
>And as a convenience add value to an int field.
>>(+=) :: Select s f Int => f -> Int -> OO s Int
>>a += b   = do x <- asks (\s -> s!a)
>>              val <- liftIO (readIORef x)
>>              let z = val+b
>>              z `seq` liftIO (writeIORef x z)
>>              return z
>Now implement the classic ocaml OO tutorial:
>>data X = X
>>type Point = Field X Int :.: END
>>newPoint :: OO s Point
>>newPoint = 0 ## end
>>getX :: Select s X t => OO s t
>>getX = value X
>>move d = X += d
>>data Color = Color
>>type ColoredPoint = Field Color String :.: Point
>>newColoredPoint :: String -> OO s ColoredPoint
>>newColoredPoint c = c ## 0 ## end
>>color :: Select s Color t => OO s t
>>color = value Color
>The code looks in more complex examples like this:
>((~=) is prepending into list fields.)
>newArrival :: Patient -> OO Hospital ()
>newArrival patient = do
>  with patient (HospitalVisits += 1)
>  staff <- value FreeStaff
>  if staff > 0 then do FreeStaff += (-1)
>                       Examination ~= patient
>                       with patient (do HospitalTime += 3
>                                        RemainingTime <-: 3)
>               else do Triage ~= patient
>>main = ooToIO (do c1 <- newPoint
>>                  c2 <- newColoredPoint "green"
>>                  with c1 $ move 7
>>                  with c2 $ move 4
>>                  let p x = liftIO (print x)
>>                  p =<< with c1 getX
>>                  p =<< with c2 getX)
>- Einar Karttunen
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