I'm at something of a crossroads, and I'm hoping to get a bit of free
career advice. I really enjoy programming with Haskell (and a few other
exotic languages), and was hoping I could eventually make a living in
that sort of field. Not rich and famous, necessarily, just enough to get
by comfortably. I'm trying to decide, however; should I go back to
school, finish my B.S. and pursue a Masters in CompSci? Or would the
time (and money) be better spent aggressively pursuing volunteer work
for companies, hoping to eventually get the experience and contacts that
lead to a paying job?

To be honest, I don't really want to go back to school, because I learn
a lot faster (and more economically) on my own. However, I'm not sure
which path is the fastest, and safest, approach to an actual paycheck.

(Also, I'm something of a die-hard FOSS purist, if that affects the
discussion at all.)


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