Dear Haskellers,

following up the recent discussion about copyleft licenses, I'd suggest a
(hopefully minor) improvement of Hackage: For each package, gather the list
of the licenses of everything it depends on. I think this would help
considerably people who don't want or can't use software licensed under a
particular license (most often (L)GPL). In particular, we can have a BSD
package that depends on a LGPL package, and this is fine for FOSS
developers. But for a commercial developer, this can be a serious issue
that is not apparent until one examines *every* transitive dependency.

This idea is a bit vague, because a dependency is actually a range of
packages, which in theory could have different licenses. But I suppose this
will rarely happen in practice, so it'd be safe just to take the last
package in the range (or maybe take all licences of the packages in the

  Best regards,
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

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