At Fri, 08 Feb 2013 11:39:19 +0100,
CJ van den Berg wrote:
> I downloaded your package and tried it. It does work.

So, what I have is

   bitonic@clay ~/src/kant (git)-[master] % cat .ghci
   :set -isrc

And I still get the mentioned error.  Did you take any other measures to make
things work?  I’m using ghc-mod version 1.11.3.
> Kant.REPL, which it is trying to load, is in the kant package. So it is
> looking for either the installed kant package, or the source files for
> the kant package modules.
> How is that not a package dependency? Telling it where to find the
> source files will remove the need to find an installed kant package.

OK, now I understand what you are doing: instead of making ghc-mod rely on
cabal, you simply make it load the files directly.  Which is a bit annoying in
my case because I have some files that need to be preprocessed (alex/happy), but
it would still be better than nothing.  I can achieve the same result by simply
moving the ‘cabal’ file, or by deleting the target.  I guess that the ‘.ghci’
has (or should have) the same effect.


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