I'm glad to announce the package for Common subexpression elimination [1].
It's an implementation of the hashconsig algorithm as described in the
'Implementing Explicit and Finding Implicit Sharing in EDSLs' by Oleg

Main point of the library is to define this algorithm in the most generic
You can define the AST for your DSL as fixpoint type[2]. And then all you
to use the library is to define the instance for type class `Traversable`.
This idea is inspired by `data-reify` [3] package which you can use to
your ASTs to DAGs too. But it relies on inspection of the references for
when `data-fix-cse` doesn't sacrifices the purity.

A short example:

Let's define a tiny DSL for signals

import Data.Fix

type Name = String

type E = Fix Exp

data Exp a = Const Double | ReadPort Name | Tfm Name [a] | Mix a a
  deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)

We can make constant signals, read them from some ports and transform them
(apply some named function to the list of signals) and mix two signals.

Let's define an instance of the Traversable (hence for the Functor and

import Control.Applicative

import Data.Monoid
import Data.Traversable
import Data.Foldable

instance Functor Exp where
  fmap f x = case x of
     Const d -> Const d
     ReadPort n -> ReadPort n
     Mix a b -> Mix (f a) (f b)
     Tfm n as -> Tfm n $ fmap f as

instance Foldable Exp where
  foldMap f x = case x of
     Mix a b -> f a <> f b
     Tfm n as -> mconcat $ fmap f as
     _ -> mempty

instance Traversable Exp where
   traverse f x = case x of
      Mix a b -> Mix <$> f a <*> f b
      Tfm n as -> Tfm n <$> traverse f as
      a -> pure a

Now we can use the functio `cse`

cse :: 

to transform our AST to DAG. DAG is already sorted.

Later we can define a handy wrapper to hide the details from the client

newtype Sig = Sig { unSig :: E }

You can find examples in the package archive


If you want to see a real world example of usage you can find it
in the csound-expression[4]. An edsl for the Csound language.

One side-note form my experience: Fixpoint types can be very flexible.
It's easy to compose them. If suddenly we need to add some extra data
to all cases from the example above we can easily do it with just another

Imagine that we want to use a SampleRate value with all signals.
Then we can do it like this:

type E = Fix SampledExp

data SampledExp a = SampledExp SampleRate (Exp a)

then we should define an instance of the type class Traversable
for our new type SampleRate. The Exp doesn't change.

[1] http://hackage.haskell.org/package/data-fix-cse-0.0.1
[2] http://hackage.haskell.org/package/data-fix-0.0.1
[3] http://hackage.haskell.org/package/data-reify
[4] http://hackage.haskell.org/package/csound-expression

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