On Fri, Mar 1, 2013 at 4:18 AM, Joey Adams <joeyadams3.14...@gmail.com>wrote:

> Can I transform a conduit so some values are passed through unchanged, but
> others go through the conduit?  For example:
>     right :: Conduit i m o -> Conduit (Either x i) m (Either x o)
> This is named after the Control.Arrow combinator of the same name:
>     right :: ArrowChoice a => a b c -> a (Either d b) (Either d c)
> Here's my use case (simplified): I want to compress data with
> zlib-conduit, which provides:
>     compress :: Conduit (Flush ByteString) m (Flush ByteString)
> The 
> Flush<http://hackage.haskell.org/packages/archive/conduit/latest/doc/html/Data-Conduit.html#t:Flush>wrapper
>  lets me flush the compressor so it will yield cached data right
> away (though hurting compression a little).
> But before compressing the data, I want to encode it, using this conduit:
>     encode :: Conduit Entry m ByteString
> I want to combine these, so that if I send a 'Flush', it bypasses 'encode'
> and feeds to 'compress':
>     compressEncode :: Conduit (Flush Entry) m (Flush ByteString)
> Thus, I need a variant of 'encode' that passes 'Flush' along:
>     encode' :: Conduit (Flush Entry) m (Flush ByteString)
> In my actual program, I don't use Flush, so providing a Conduit combinator
> just for Flush would not help me.
> Is something like 'right' possible to implement with Conduit's public
> API?  Here's an implementation using Data.Conduit.Internal (untested):
>     import Control.Monad (liftM)
>     import Data.Conduit.Internal (Pipe(..), ConduitM(..), Conduit)
>     right :: Monad m => Conduit i m o -> Conduit (Either x i) m (Either x
> o)
>     right = ConduitM . rightPipe . unConduitM
>     rightPipe :: Monad m
>               => Pipe i i o () m ()
>               -> Pipe (Either x i) (Either x i) (Either x o) () m ()
>     rightPipe p0 = case p0 of
>         HaveOutput p c o  -> HaveOutput (rightPipe p) c (Right o)
>         NeedInput p c     -> NeedInput p' (rightPipe . c)
>           where p' (Left x)  = HaveOutput (rightPipe p0) (return ()) (Left
> x)
>                 p' (Right i) = rightPipe $ p i
>         Done r            -> Done r
>         PipeM mp          -> PipeM $ liftM rightPipe mp
>         Leftover p i      -> Leftover (rightPipe p) (Right i)
I'm fairly certain this cannot be implemented using only the public API.
Your implementation looks solid to me.

> I'm wondering if we could have a Data.Conduit.Arrow module, which provides
> a newtype variant of Conduit that implements Arrow, ArrowChoice, etc.:
>     import qualified Data.Conduit as C
>     newtype Conduit m i o = Conduit (C.Conduit i m o)
>     -- May need Monad constraints for these
>     instance Category (Conduit m)
>     instance Arrow (Conduit m)
>     instance ArrowChoice (Conduit m)
As I think you point out in your next email, Conduit can't really be an
instance of Arrow. IIRC, there was quite a bit of talk about that when
pipes came out, but some of the features of a Pipe (such as allowing input
and output to occur at different "speeds") means that it can't be achieved.
Nonetheless, I think adding some helping combinators based around Arrows
for Conduit makes sense.

> Does 'Conduit' follow Category, Monad, MonadTrans laws* these days?  I'm
> not talking about Pipe in general, just the special case of it represented
> by the 'Conduit' type alias:
>     Conduit i m o = ConduitM i o m () = Pipe i i o () m ()
> Or are there some thorny issues (e.g. leftovers) that make following these
> laws impossible in some cases?
It's easy to prove that a Conduit with leftovers does not follow the
Category laws:

    id = awaitForever yield
    (.) = (=$=)

    id . leftover x /= leftover x

That was the motivation for adding the leftover type parameter to the Pipe
datatype: if you want to get closer to a Category instance (whatever
"closer" would mean here), you need to make sure that the leftover
parameter is set to Void. However, even in such a case, there's at least
one deviation from strict Category behavior. The order in which finalizers
are run does not fully respect the associative laws[1]. In this case, the
deviation is intentional: conduit is more concerned with ensuring strict
resource usage than associativity. I touched on this point briefly in a
recent conduit 1.0 blog post.

In my opinion, this is evidence that Category is not the right abstraction
to be used for streaming data, since it doesn't give us the ability to
guarantee prompt finalization.

[1] https://github.com/snoyberg/conduit/pull/57

>  Thanks for the input,
> -Joey
>  * Assume functions that use Data.Conduit.Internal do so correctly.
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