I am trying to install timeplot and splot on a windows 7 host, using
Haskell platform 2012.2.0.0, and I have troubles installing HSChart.

First difficulties were installing cairo, which requires Gtk+ libraries and
headers. I installed those using a Gtk+-bundle, first in c:\Program Files\.
I had to move to d:\soft (eg. a directory without spaces) to be able to
install cairo.

Then I tried to install Chart and at first failed with a cryptic 'Exit
Failure 1' error from cabal. I succeeded when I redirected cabal output to
a file, eg: cabal install > out 2<&1 whereas a plain 'cabal install' failed.

Then I managed to install splot and timeplot. I then tried to use Chart to
draw a simple chart, following
it hang forever with a CPU at 100%.

Suggestions are more than welcomed.

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