---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Ganesh Sittampalam <gan...@earth.li>
Date: 2013/4/25
Subject: [darcs-users] Google Summer of Code
To: darcs-users <darcs-us...@darcs.net>


darcs.net will participating in Google Summer of Code this year, under
the umbrella of haskell.org - Google will be allocating 1 or 2 extra
slots specifically for Darcs.

Time is a little short, as we'd originally thought this arrangement was
coming to an end: the student application deadline is 1900UTC on next
Friday (May 3rd).

Please see http://darcs.net/GSoC for ideas and what to do next if you
are interested in participating. The most important thing is to get in
touch with us informally asap.

Many thanks to Guillaume Hoffmann both for making our initial
application to be a separate organisation (which was unfortunately
rejected), and then for talking to Google and establishing that our
existing arrangement of having a dedicated slot under the haskell.org
umbrella could continue.


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