
As hinted in the previous HCAR, this year we will organize an workshop
entitled like the subject of this mail[1].

It will be organized by ROSEdu (Romanian Open Source Education) [2]
and the newly founded Haskell-Romania group (no link yet, working on
that). It is one workshop in a series of summer workshops organized by
ROSEdu (go one level up in the wiki, some of them are in Romanian and
I don't want to blindly give links to Romanian pages).

The entire schedule is given on the wiki page at [1] and detailed below:

Day 1 (8th of July)

Introduction. History and Syntax. -- basic introduction to the
language. Including @lambdabot usage as an example
Programming with Static Typing as An Ally. -- designing with types and
using GHCI for rapid prototyping and testing type of expressions.
Possible to include @djinn
Programming with State and Style. -- gentle introduction to monads in
the style of "You could have invented monads" [3]

Day 2 (9th of July)

Packaging and Distributing Code. -- hackage, cabal, cabal-dev and,
maybe, stackage
The Awesome xmonad Window Manager -- we'll let them tweak
configuration files in xmonad and use them. In this way, they get to
use real world apps and change them to suit their needs. Maybe attract
some developers.
Compare and Contrast. Blow Your Mind with Haskell and Compare with
Python. -- Starting with a comparison between some Python code and the
equivalent Haskell one we get to cover topics in [4]

Day 3 (11th of July)

Lenses for Updating Details. -- you've guessed it, lenses
Creating Graphical Interfaces. -- GTK2hs or lGTK. I'd like to test the
second one
Static Site Generation. -- Hakyll, config tweaking, generating first site, etc.

Day 4 (12th of July)

Beautiful Diagrams -- diagrams package
Pipes and Conduits for Faster I/O -- pipes
Creating Real-World Web Applications. -- Yesod (because that's what we know)

Day 5 (13th of July)

Hackathon Day

If you have some suggestions, please make them.

Lastly, for the hackathon day we have considered making some bots for
I.GameBot[5] and an IRC bot with features that we'd like on #rosedu
and #haskell-ro (grab, karma, resource location, statistics). If you'd
have some other suggestions which could be implemented in a single day
after the previous courses, please, do share them with us.

Thanks and sorry for the length of the mail.

[1]: http://workshop.rosedu.org/2013/sesiuni/haskell
[2]: http://rosedu.org/
[3]: http://blog.sigfpe.com/2006/08/you-could-have-invented-monads-and.html
[4]: http://www.haskell.org/haskellwiki/Blow_your_mind
[5]: https://github.com/rosedu/I.GameBot

"All we have to decide is what we do with the time that is given to us"

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