The onlys solution I see at the moment is to get rid of cabal-dev and 
install dependencies globally (which works quite OK with gentoo-haskell)

Kind regards,
Kirill Zaborsky

четверг, 11 июля 2013 г., 15:55:15 UTC+4 пользователь Kirill Zaborsky 
> Currently I'm creating a small library and I wanted to create tests for 
> it. So I have a library section in cabal file and also a test-suite section.
> Everything goes well but when I tried to load file with tests into ghci 
> (actually it was a REPL in emacs) I received errors stating that GHCi can 
> not find e.g. Test.Framework module.
> Is there any way to use multiple build-depends in GHCi?
> KInd regards,
> Kirill Zaborsky
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