Greg Woodhouse <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Maybe this is a different topic, but exploring concurrency in Haskell is
> definitely on my "to do" list, but this is really a bit of a puzzle.  One
> thing I've been thinking lately is that in functional programming the process
> is really the wrong abstraction (computation is reduction, not a sequence of
> steps performed in temporal order). But what is concurrency if their are no
> processes to "run" concurrently? I've beren thinking about action systems and
> non-determinism, but am unsure how the pieces really fit together.

Maybe dataflow languages like Lucid Synchrone, Esterel and Lustre?

For dataflow in Haskell, see Uustalu & Vene's comonads paper:

I do wish I could find the source code from this paper online, I'd rather not
type it in by hand. Do researchers usually manually transcribe code?
Shae Matijs Erisson - - Sockmonster once said:
You could switch out the unicycles for badgers, and the game would be the same.

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