On 09/13/13 01:51, Michael Snoyman wrote:
On Fri, Sep 13, 2013 at 5:38 AM, Mario Blažević <blama...@acanac.net <mailto:blama...@acanac.net>> wrote:

    On 09/11/13 19:37, John Lato wrote:

        3.  I'm not entirely sure that the length* functions belong
        here.  I
        understand why, and I think it's sensible reasoning, and I
        don't have a
        good argument against it, but I just don't like it.  With
        those, and
        mapM_-like functions, it seems that the foldable class is
        halfway to
        being another monolithic ListLike.  But I don't have any
        better ideas

            If monolithic classes bother you, my monoid-subclasses
    package manages to break down the functionality into several
    classes. One big difference is that everything is based off Monoid
    rather than Foldable, and that has some big effects on the interface.

I'd point out what I'd consider a bigger difference: the type signatures have changed in a significant way. With MonoFoldable, folding on a ByteString would be:

    (Word8 -> b -> b) -> b -> ByteString -> b

With monoid-subclasses, you get:

    (ByteString -> b -> b) -> b -> ByteString -> b

There's certainly a performance issue to discuss, but I'm more worried about semantics. Word8 tells me something very specific: I have one, and precisely one, octet. ByteString tells me I have anywhere from 0 to 2^32 or 2^64 octets. Yes, we know from context that it will always be of size one, but the type system can't enforce that invariant.

All true, but we can also use this generalization to our advantage. For example, the same monoid-subclasses package provides ByteStringUTF8, a newtype wrapper around ByteString. It behaves the same as the plain ByteString except its atomic factors are not of size 1, instead it folds on UTF-8 encoded character boundaries. You can't represent that in Haskell's type system.

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