* Ben Gamari <bgamari.f...@gmail.com> [2013-09-17 10:03:41-0400]
> Another approach might be to introduce some notion of a name list which
> can appear in the export list. These lists could be built up by either
> user declarations in the source module or in Template Haskell splices
> and would serve as a way to group logically related exports. This
> would allow uses such as (excuse the terrible syntax),
>     module HelloWorld ( namelist MyDataLenses
>                       , namelist ArithmeticOps
>                       ) where
>     import Control.Lens
>     data MyData = MyData { ... }
>     makeLenses ''MyDataLenses
>     -- makeLenses defines a namelist called MyDataLenses
>     namelist ArithmeticOps (add)
>     add = ...
>     namelist ArithmeticOps (sub)
>     sub = ...

Hi Ben,

Isn't this subsumed by ordinary Haskell modules, barring the current
compilers' limitation that modules are in 1-to-1 correspondence with
files (and thus are somewhat heavy-weight)?

E.g. the above could be structured as

  module MyDataLenses where
    data MyData = MyData { ... }
    makeLenses ''MyData

  module HelloWorld (module MyDataLenses, ...) where


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