Ryan Newton <rrnew...@gmail.com> writes:

> Hi all,
> I'm pleased to announce the release of our new parallel-programming
> library, LVish:
>     hackage.haskell.org/package/lvish
> It provides a "Par" monad similar to the monad-par package, but generalizes
> the model to include data-structures other than single-assignment variables
> (IVars).  For example, it has lock-free concurrent data structures for Sets
> and Maps, which are constrained to only grow monotonically during a given
> "runPar" (to retain determinism).  This is based on work described in our
> upcoming POPL 2014 paper:
Do you have any aidea why the Haddocks don't yet exist. If I recall
correctly, under Hackage 1 the module names wouldn't be made links until
Haddock generation had completed. Currently the lvish modules' point to
non-existent URLs.

Also, is there a publicly accessible repository where further
development will take place?


- Ben

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