Here's the latest and greatest version put together with Einar's help.

The seconds portion of ClockTime and a counter are used as the key now and the counter wraps around. This would make two distinct timers even if there expiration times were the same.

{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fglasgow-exts -fno-cse #-}
module Timer

import qualified Data.Map as M
import Data.IORef
import System.Time
import System.IO.Unsafe
import Control.Exception
import Control.Concurrent

type Timers = M.Map (Integer, Int) (IO ())

timeout :: Int
timeout = 5000000 -- 1 second

{-# NOINLINE timers #-}
{-# NOINLINE counter #-}
timers :: MVar Timers
counter :: IORef Int
(timers, counter) = unsafePerformIO $ do mv <- newMVar M.empty
                                         c <- newIORef 0
                                         forkIO $ checkTimers
                                         return (mv, c)

startTimer :: Integer -> (IO ()) -> IO (Integer, Int)
startTimer seconds io =
    do TOD now _ <- getClockTime
       let expiration = now + seconds
       id <- atomicModifyIORef counter $ \x -> (x + 1, x)
       modifyMVar_ timers $ \a ->
           return $! M.insert (expiration, id) io a
       return (expiration, id)

stopTimer :: (Integer, Int) -> IO ()
stopTimer key = modifyMVar_ timers $ \a ->
                return $! M.delete key a

checkTimers :: IO ()
checkTimers =
    do t <- readMVar timers -- takes it and puts it back
       case M.size t of
         -- no timers
         0 -> threadDelay timeout
         -- some timers
         _ -> do let (key@(time, _), io) = M.findMin t
                 TOD now _ <- getClockTime
                 if (time <= now)
                    then do stopTimer key
                            try $ io -- don't think we care
                            return ()
                    else threadDelay timeout


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