Wolfgang Jeltsch wrote:
The problem is that the content of that page, and its links, didn't show me
how to write a Haskell program (like you did).

If you want to know how to feed, for example, Hugs with your Haskell program, you might have to have a look at some Hugs documentation. Remember that different Haskell implementations like Hugs, GHCi etc. may have different ways of reading Haskell programs.

"remember"? This is the first time I hear this, and I'm bewildered. I expect two C compilers to be able to compile a correct C program. Certainly a "hello world" program. How is it possible that two Haskell implementations disagree on how to read a Haskell program? (unless it's an advanced program with very unique compiler features - which is bad).

On the "Learning Haskell" page you can click, for example, on the "Hugs" link, then on "Documentation" and then on "The Hugs 98 User's Guide" or "The Hugs 98 User Manual".

I doubt a lot of people who didn't already know about Haskell would think to click on the manual for the *compiler* instead of the link that says "Haskell Tutorial".

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