Abigail wrote:
I have been searching papers about tha raltionship
between formal methods in software engineering and
functinal programmming, but i haven't found enough

Functional programming in pure functional languages like Haskell can help to make programs easier to reason about - but it doesn't _remove_ the need for formal methods.

For example, there are laws about certain classes such as Monad and Monoid which all instances of those classes must follow in order to be considered "proper" Monads or Monoids. However, in order to reason about functions defined over all Monads (say), we need to know that those laws hold for _all_ possible Monads (without laws, we don't really know anything about the methods of Monad - in a non-strict language, the methods might not even be well-defined for certain inputs). But Haskell doesn't even have a way to _state_ these laws formally, much less _prove_ them!

I am working on a functional programming and specification language in my spare time which does have such formal methods features built-in, but it is not even implemented yet. (I can email you if I ever write a paper on it, but it may be some years before that happens.)

However, there are various other angles which you can research:

1. Proofs as programs: _Constructive_ proofs of theorems can be automatically converted into programs in a functional programming language - although these programs are not always efficient. Indeed it is possible that a generated program will be far too inefficient to be useful. See for example "Proofs, Programs and Executable Specifications in Higher Order Logic", a Phd thesis by S Berghofer at http://www4.in.tum.de/~berghofe/papers/phd.pdf

1a. Models as functional programs: The very first sentence in Chapter 1 of the thesis I just cited, says: "Interactive theorem provers are tools which allow [one] to build abstract system models, often in some kind of functional programming language involving datatypes and recursive functions."

2. Dependent types: By programming in a dependently-typed functional programming language such as the research language Epigram, it is possible to write functional programs whose types force them to be correct. See for example "Why Dependent Types Matter" by Thorsten Altenkirch, Conor McBride, and James McKinna. However, in my opinion this is only useful for simple "sized types" such as "a list of length 6". For more complicated properties, I believe this approach is unnecessarily difficult, and does not match how mathematicians or programmers actually work. My approach (see above) clearly separates the programming, the theorems and the proofs, and (in principle) allows all three to be written in a fairly "natural" style. As opposed to dependent types which, in Epigram at least, seem to require threading proofs through programs (for some non-trivial proofs).

3. Separate formal methods tools for Haskell: My approach is to integrate formal methods directly into the essential core of a language, but this is quite unusual to say the least - a more normal thing to do (whether for functional or imperative languages) is prepare a separate formal methods tool for an existing programming language. This has been done for Haskell - see "Verifying haskell programs using constructive type theory" by Abel et. al. at http://portal.acm.org/citation.cfm?id=1088348.1088355

I have not considered testing in this email because another email already mentioned QuickCheck.
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