Am Mittwoch, 1. März 2006 01:26 schrieb Alson Kemp:
>   Although the discussion about Array refactoring died
> down quickly on the Haskell' mailing list, I've been
> noodling on refactoring the various Collections in
> Haskell.  In doing so, I've bumped into a problem with
> type classes that I can't resolve.  The issue is as
> follows:
>   I'm designing a Collections class heirarchy that is
> a blend between that of Java and of Haskell. The
> problem is that, whereas in OOP it is easy to do so,
> Haskell class mechanism seems to make it difficult to
> add *new* member variable to subclasses.
>   Simple goal: create a top-level Collection with an
> *indexed* Array subclass (and various other
> subclasses).  The problem I'm running into is
> Collection has no need of an "index" variable and I
> can't seem to figure out how to add an "index" to
> Array when subclassing from Collection  Mock up:
> --
>   class CollectionClass c e where
>     -- every Collection supports toList...
>     toList :: c e -> [e]
>   class (CollectionClass a e)=> ArrayClass a e where
> ...
>   data Array i e = Array i i
shouldn't the element type appear here? 
>   instance CollectionClass Array e where
>     -- Since Array is a Collection
>     -- toList :: c e -> [e]
>     -- but with an Array the type would be
>     -- toList :: a i e -> [e]
>     toList = ...
Well, the parameter c of CollectionClass has kind (* -> *), Array has kind 
(* -> * -> *), so it must be

instance CollectionClass (Array i) e where ...

But the element type doesn't really belong in the class, wouldn't 

class Collection c where
    toList :: c e -> [e]

instance Collection [] where
    toList = id

instance Collection (Array i) where
          -- or rather instance Ix i => Collection (Array i),
          -- if we use Data.Array
    toList = elems -- or whatever we'd use for another implementation

class Collection (a i) => ArrayC a i where
     item :: i -> a i e -> Maybe e

-- or perhaps, better
class Collection c => ArrayLike c i | c -> i where
    look :: Monad m => i -> c e -> m e

be preferable? 
> -- 
>  I think that the problem goes away if:
>    class CollectionClass c x e where ...
>  with "x" used an index for Array or a key for Map or
> () for Set, but it doesn't seem clean to scatter
> member variables in the parent class in case the
> subclass requires them...
>  Another possible solution that I couldn't get to
> work would be to use (Array i) as the type for "c" in

I can't imagine why that wouldn't work (apart from the typo above).
It compiles, and if we have a more appropriate Array type, we'd get a decent 

> "Collection c":
>  instance CollectionClass (Array i) e where
>     toList = ... -- (Array i) e -> [e] ?
>   This seems clean because it says the Collection
> holds "e"s and is organized by an (Array i). 
> Similarly, Set would be a Collection of "e"s organized
> by Set and Map would be a Collection of "e"s organized
> by (Map k).

>  Undoubtedly, I've missspoken some crucial aspect of
> the type/kind/class/instance magical incantation. 
> Help!
>  - Alson


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