I've got another n00b question, thanks for all the help you have been giving me!

I want to read a text file. As an example, let's use /usr/share/dict/words and try to print out the last line of the file. First of all I came up with this program:

import System.IO
main = readFile "/usr/share/dict/words" >>= putStrLn.last.lines

This program gives the following error, presumably because there is an ISO-8859-1 character in the dictionary: "Program error: <handle>: IO.getContents: protocol error (invalid character encoding)"

How can I tell the Haskell system that it is to read ISO-8859-1 text rather than UTF-8?

I now used iconv to convert the file to UTF-8 and tried again. This time it worked, but it seems horribly inefficient -- Hugs took 2.8 seconds to read a 96,000 line file. By contrast the equivalent Python program:

print open("words", "r").readlines()[-1]

took 0.05 seconds. I assume I must be doing something wrong here, and somehow causing Haskell to use a particularly inefficient algorithm. Can anyone give me any clues what I should be doing instead?

Thanks again,

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