Hi there,

Thanks to some advise by one of the other posters i have chosen to try and set up a list that uses lookup to find the values of the elements within it.

However what i have attempted so far has resulted in odd answers or errors. Anyway here it is, i have given each element a string at the start to put the lookup domain in - anyway here it is

type Line = [((String,String),(String,Int),(String,Int),(String,Bool),(String,Bool),(String,Bool),(String,Bool),(String,Bool),(String,Bool),(String,Bool),(String,Bool),(String,Bool))]

vicsLine :: Line
vicsLine = [(("a1","Walthamstow Central"),("a2",1),("a3",2),("a4", False), ("a5", True), ("a6", False), ("a7", False), ("a8", False), ("a9", False), ("a10", False), ("a11", False), ("a12", False))]

Anyway when i enter something such as lookup "a1" i get back a load of stuff about Eq.....

So the question is - what am i doing wrong. I am hoping that when i enter a1 it should return for me Walthamstow Central.

Cheers everyone - i'm getting there slowly and all your help is much appreciated.


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