On Apr 12, 2006, at 3:30 PM, Daniel McAllansmith wrote:

Averages of user time for three runs on an Athlon64 running 64bit linux:

kern    0.29700
ones32  0.30733
table32 0.37333
table   0.38400

I ran a whole lot more of kern and ones32... kern was consistently faster than
ones32.  Curious.

Yes, especially curious since the algorithm is taken from AMD's optimization guide for the Athlon and Opteron series. I'm not good enough at reading core syntax to be able to see what GHC is doing with it.

I wonder how this other crazy algorithm I found will work on your 64 bit omputer. It is much slower on my 32 bit PPC powerbook for obvious reasons. If you'd like to try it, I'll include an updated BitTwiddle.hs .

time ./bits 2000000 3000000 64

Attachment: BitTwiddle.hs
Description: Binary data

David F. Place

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