Geevarghese Philip wrote:
> I am trying to learn Haskell. As an exercise, I wrote a
> function to create a binary tree in level-order. I am attaching
> the code. I am sure there are a number of places where
> the code could be improved. Could you please point these out?

I'll try.
> Thanks,
> Philip

> >insert :: Eq a => Tree a -> a -> Tree a
> >insert tree x = if tree == Empty
> >                       then Tree x Empty Empty
> >                       else if (left tree) == Empty
> >                               then Tree (rootNode tree) (Tree x Empty 
> > Empty) (right tree)

you can use pattern matching to your advantage, to avoid if-s and
comparisons (you can get rid of the Eq requirement that way)

insert (Empty x)               = Tree x Empty Empty
insert (Tree root Empty rtree) = Tree root (Tree x Empty Empty) rtree
insert ... | countNodes x <= countNodes y = ...
           | otherwise                    = ...

> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Use insert to create a tree from a sequence.
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> >createTree :: Eq a => [a] -> Tree a
> >createTree [] = Empty
> >createTree (x:xs) = foldl insert (insert Empty x) xs

createTree xs = foldl insert Empty xs

works just as well.

Here are two algorithmic ideas:

1. It's possible to avoid the counting if you create a function that
  inserts multiple values at once, walking the nodes from left to right.
  -- walk tree from left to right and insert nodes at the next
  -- level as long as there are elements in the list left;
  -- keep the rest of the tree unmodified.
  insertLevel :: Tree a => [a] -> Tree a -> ([a], Tree a)
  insertLevel []     t     = t
  insertLevel (x:xs) Empty = (Tree x Empty Empty, xs)
  insertLevel xs     (Tree node ltree rtree) = ...
  Then use this function iteratively starting with an empty tree,
  until the whole list is consumed.

2. It's possible to build the tree from bottom up. This works,
  as follows:
  1. split the given list into levels (that is, lists of length 2^n
     starting with n=0. The last, lowest level may be incomplete.)
  2. convert the lowest level into singleton trees.
     Call the result the processed list, and mark the lowest level
     as processed.
  3. For each unprocessed level, starting with the lowest, do:
     Walk through this level and the processed list simultaneously,
     combining one element from the level and two elements from
     the processed list and combining them into a tree Node.
     When the level is exhausted, we take empty trees to fill it
     up.  The result is the new processed list.
  4. Now the processed list is either empty - in which case we
     return an empty tree, or a list that contains a single tree,
     in which case we return that.
  Example: (I write E for Empty)
     input     = [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10]
  1. levels    = [[1],[2,3],[4,5,6,7],[8,9,10]]
  2. processed = [Tree 8 E E, Tree 9 E E, Tree 10 E E]
  3. after first iteration:
       processed = [Tree 4 (Tree 8 E E) (Tree 9 E E),
         Tree 5 (Tree 10 E E) E, Tree 6 E E, Tree 7 E E]
     after second iteration:
       processed = [Tree 2 (Tree 4 (Tree 8 E E) (Tree 9 E E))
         (Tree 5 (Tree 10 E E) E), Tree 3 (Tree 6 E E) (Tree 7 E E)]
     after third iteration:
       processed = [Tree 1 ... (the final tree)]
  4. return (Tree 1 ...)
  The algorithm simplifies a bit if we follow the convention that the
  processed list always ends in an infinite list of empty trees, can
  you see why?


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