This would require to:

- Retarget one of the existing Haskell compilers to generate JavaScript
(other possible targets would be Flash or higher level UI languages such as
OpenLaszlo that in turn compiles down to either Flash or JavaScript/HTML)

As I've noticed from experience, you can just write JavaScript itself!
(You will end up doing this a lot anyway because any library is bound
to be missing some feature you need, say, input textbox history w/
up/down keys, or, say, autoscroll to bottom of iframe when content
added, etc. as here):

(source available here

Is anyone working on anything similar or that might be interested in such a

I'm definitely interested in this. I would love to be able to deploy a
Haskell application in the web browser w/out having to drain server
computing resources. Imagine reading a Haskell tutorial and providing
interactive applications that run in the reader's browser, etc.

Also, I really would love to see something in Haskell that can compete
with the Web Services / Web Forms stuff from Visual Studio 2005/C# in
terms of simplicity and power and feature-completeness: just write
your app and it generates all the HTML/CSS/JavaScript on the client
and the XML request stuff on the serve. Perhaps in Haskell we could
have something fugdets-like but deployable in any (relatively recent)
browser w/ no downloads.

reverse ")-:"
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