On 07/09/2006, at 10:53, Tamas K Papp wrote:

Dear Pepe,

Thank you for the information.  I finally ended up working with
Debug.Trace, and found the bug very quickly.  I also tried Hood, but
couldn't load it in ghci: import Observe can't find the library, but

% locate Observe

Does importing from hslibs-imports require something special?

Hi Tamas

I'm glad to hear that you fixed it!

GHC includes Observe (the hs-libs-imports file you are seeing) only in the hidden 'util' package, which I believe is deprecated or not present in 6.6. If you want to use it, launch ghci with the flag '- package util'. Or download Observe.hs from the Hood website and place it somewhere in the path.

Hmm, it would be handy to have a Cabal Hood package...

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