An easier and better way to support microtonal music in Haskore is to use the csound back-end instead of MIDI. I'd be happy to help someone develop such a thing if interested.


Magnus Jonsson wrote:

On Thu, 14 Sep 2006, Henning Thielemann wrote:

On Thu, 14 Sep 2006, Magnus Jonsson wrote:

Now even more interestingly, my program also deals with music! :) I'm
generating microtonal midi files. I use it for very much the same purpose as
you do (although my program is not yet finished).

Is it something we could and should add to Haskore?

If Haskore could support microtones that would make this world a slightly better world for me. Here are the basic things you need to support microtonal music:

- Pitch representations would have to be able to express any pitch.
- One appealing approach is to represent a pitch directly as it's frequency.
  - Probably the most useful representation though is a base pitch,
    say one of C,D,E,F,G,A,B, followed by a list of accidentals that
    modify the pitch. The user should be able to define his own base
    pitches and accidentals, in terms of cents or frequency ratios or
    something similar.
- Generating microtonal midi files requires that you add pitch-bend messages before all notes. That restricts each midi channel to only being able to play one note at a time. This is a big deficiency in the midi protocol imo.

/ Magnus

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