
I have a list of entities.  Each entity has a priority field and an order field.  The priority field contain the input values to my algorithm, the order fields contain the output value of my algorithm.  My algorithm needs to assign 1 to the order field of the entity with the lowest priority value, 2 to the order field of the entity with the next lowest priority value, .... and so on.  I've written a function orderByPriority that does that.  However, it also does something else that is undesireable.  It reorders the list.

My question is, how do I preserve the ordering of entities in my list and still be able to assign the proper order values to each entity?  Is there an efficient way to do this?  How else might I improve my orderByPriority algorithm.



> import Data.List

> data Entity = Entity {
>     entityId :: Int,
>     priority :: Float,
>     order :: Int
>   }

> initEntity = Entity {
>     entityId = 0,
>     priority = 0.0,
>     order = 0
>   }

> myList = [
>     initEntity { entityId = 1, priority = 8.7 },
>     initEntity { entityId = 2, priority = 5.4 },
>     initEntity { entityId = 3, priority = 2.9 },
>     initEntity { entityId = 4, priority = 5.4 },
>     initEntity { entityId = 5, priority = 1.3 },
>     initEntity { entityId = 6, priority = 3.5 },
>     initEntity { entityId = 7, priority = 9.5 }
>   ]

> comparePriority entity1 entity2 =
>   compare (priority entity1) (priority entity2)

> orderByPriority :: [Entity] -> [Entity]
> orderByPriority entities = assignOrder orderList 1
>   where
>     orderList = sortBy comparePriority entities
>     assignOrder [] _ = []
>     assignOrder (entity:entities) count =
>       (entity { order = count }):(assignOrder entities (count + 1))

> instance Show Entity where
>   show entity = "{" ++
>     "entityId:" ++ (show $ entityId entity) ++ "," ++
>     "priority:" ++ (show $ priority entity) ++ "," ++
>     "order: " ++ (show $ order entity) ++
>     "}"

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