It is possible of course but your definition doesn't correspond to any
operation in the usual vector algebra. By the way how do you define
(*)? Isn't it 3D vector multiplication?


On 11/29/06, Slavomir Kaslev <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
You mean signum = normalize? What do you think of my comments here:

> After giving some thought on signum, I got to the point, that signum
> should be defined so that abs x * signum x = x holds. So it can be
> defined as signum (Vec2 x y) = Vec 2 (signum x) (signum y).

> It turns out that all the functions in Num, Floating, etc. classes can
> be given meaningful definitions for vectors in this pattern. That is f
> (Vecn x1 x2 .. xn) = Vecn (f x1) ... (f xn). And all expected laws
> just work. One can think of that like the way SIMD processor works, it
> does the same operations as on floats but on four floats at parallel.

I think this is the way to define vector instances for Num, Floating,
etc. For vector specific operations, such as normalize, len, dot,
cross, etc. are declared in class Vector.

Slavomir Kaslev

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