Hi Shelarcy,

Could you check whether you have this registry key:


and tell me its value? Typically its value should be such that the
following script to work.

Set shell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
vstudioPath  = shell.RegRead
shell.Run ("""" & vstudioPath & "devenv.exe"" /Setup",0,true)


On 11/30/06, shelarcy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Hi Krasimir,

> On 11/30/06, shelarcy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> But ... I can't install Visual Haskell prerelease 0.2. Near
>> the end of install process, Microsoft Development Environment
>> cause error.
On Thu, 30 Nov 2006 17:03:22 +0900, Krasimir Angelov <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Could you tell me what error message you see during the installation?
> If it is in Japan then translate it in English ;-).

It's not good error message. Anyway, I translate it.

Near the end of install process, error dialog opened and says:

The problem happende, so exit Microsoft Development Environment.
I'm sorry for causing inconvenience to you.

(under its message, error dialog has form that send error report
for Microsoft or shows error detail. These messages are not
important, so I don't translate that.)

And click form that shows error detail, another dialog opened.
It shows:

:Error ditail:
An unhandled exception has been caught by the VSW exception filter.
:Error Signature:
AppName: devenv.exe      AppVer: 7.10.6030.0     ModName: unknown
ModVer:  Offset: 00bbbacc
:Report Detail:
(Below meassage attetion to user that error report send what.
So these messages are not important, too.)

> Also it can help
> if you run the installer with logging:
> $ msiexec VSHaskell71.msi /l log.txt

msiexec doesn't run its command. And error dialog noticed that
you forgot /i optio. So I used below command.

$ msiexec /i VSHaskell71.msi /l log.txt

I think log.txt is much more useful than previous messages.
log.txt also has Japanese messages. So I translated that part.


Action 20:38:17: CA_RegisterHelpFile.3643236F_FC70_11D3_A536_0090278A1BB8.
       IHxRegisterSession::ContinueTransaction() returned 0.
       Helpfile: C:\Program Files\Visual Haskell\doc\alex.HxS was successfully 
registered to namespace vs_haskell.
????elpfile: C:\Program Files\Visual Haskell\doc\building.HxS was successfully 
registered to namespace vs_haskell.
       Helpfile: C:\Program Files\Visual Haskell\doc\Cabal.HxS was successfully 
registered to namespace vs_haskell.
       Helpfile: C:\Program Files\Visual Haskell\doc\haddock.HxS was 
successfully registered to namespace vs_haskell.
       Helpfile: C:\Program Files\Visual Haskell\doc\happy.HxS was successfully 
registered to namespace vs_haskell.
       Helpfile: C:\Program Files\Visual Haskell\doc\libraries.HxS was 
successfully registered to namespace vs_haskell.
       Helpfile: C:\Program Files\Visual Haskell\doc\users_guide.HxS was 
successfully registered to namespace vs_haskell.
       Helpfile: C:\Program Files\Visual Haskell\doc\vh.HxS was successfully 
registered to namespace vs_haskell.
Action 20:38:17: CA_RegisterPlugIn.3643236F_FC70_11D3_A536_0090278A1BB8.
       IHxRegisterSession::ContinueTransaction() returned 0.
       IHxPlugIn::RegisterHelpPlugIn() returned 0.
       Namespace: vs_haskell was successfully plugged into namespace 
Action 20:38:17: CA_CommitHelpTransaction.3643236F_FC70_11D3_A536_0090278A1BB8.
Action 20:38:17: RegisterProduct. Registering product
RegisterProduct: {FEC3263A-9034-49C5-8C5D-902231009894}
Action 20:38:18: PublishFeatures. Publishing Product Features
PublishFeatures: Feature: Complete
Action 20:38:18: PublishProduct. Publishing product information
1: {FEC3263A-9034-49C5-8C5D-902231009894}
Action 20:38:18: RollbackCleanup. Removing backup files
       IHxRegisterSession::ContinueTransaction() returned 0.
       Registration session: {FEC3263A-9034-49C5-8C5D-902231009894} was 
successfully committed.
RollbackCleanup: File: C:\Config.Msi\fc3d12.rbf
RollbackCleanup: File: C:\Config.Msi\fc3d13.rbf
RollbackCleanup: File: C:\Config.Msi\fc3d14.rbf
RollbackCleanup: File: C:\Config.Msi\fc3d15.rbf
RollbackCleanup: File: C:\Config.Msi\fc3d16.rbf
Action ended 20:38:18: InstallFinalize. Return value 1.
Action 20:38:18: CA_HxMerge_VSCC.3643236F_FC70_11D3_A536_0090278A1BB8.
Action start 20:38:18: CA_HxMerge_VSCC.3643236F_FC70_11D3_A536_0090278A1BB8.
????tion ended 20:40:09: CA_HxMerge_VSCC.3643236F_FC70_11D3_A536_0090278A1BB8. 
Return value 1.
Action 20:40:09: CA_RemoveTempHxDs.3643236F_FC70_11D3_A536_0090278A1BB8.
Action start 20:40:09: CA_RemoveTempHxDs.3643236F_FC70_11D3_A536_0090278A1BB8.
Action ended 20:40:09: CA_RemoveTempHxDs.3643236F_FC70_11D3_A536_0090278A1BB8. 
Return value 1.
Action 20:40:09: VSHaskellInstall. Register Visual Haskell Plugin
Action start 20:40:09: VSHaskellInstall.
Error 1720. There is a problem with this Windows Installer package. A script 
required for this install to complete could not be run. Contact your support 
personnel or package vendor. Custom action VSHaskellInstall script error 
-2146828275, Microsoft VBScript Runtime Error: Couldn't match types.: 'Return' 
Line 55, Column 5,
MSI (s) (0C:D4) [20:51:43:359]: Product: Visual Haskell 0.2 for Visual Studio 
2003 -- Error 1720. There is a problem with this Windows Installer package. A 
script required for this install to complete could not be run. Contact your 
support personnel or package vendor. Custom action VSHaskellInstall script 
error -2146828275, Microsoft VBScript Runtime Error: Couldn't match types.: 
'Return' Line 55, Column 5,

Action ended 20:51:43: VSHaskellInstall. Return value 3.
Action ended 20:51:43: INSTALL. Return value 3.
Action ended 20:51:43: ExecuteAction. Return value 3.
Action 20:51:43: FatalError.
Action start 20:51:43: FatalError.
Action 20:51:43: FatalError. Dialog created
Action ended 20:51:46: FatalError. Return value 2.
Action ended 20:51:46: INSTALL. Return value 3.
=== Logging stopped: 2006/11/30  20:51:46 ===
MSI (c) (B8:C4) [20:51:46:046]: Product: Visual Haskell 0.2 for Visual Studio 
2003 -- Installation failed.

> In the Visual Haskell\bin directory you can see one directory called
> 1033 with vs_haskell_ui.dll in it. vs_haskell_ui.dll contains various
> string resources used in Visual Haskell. For each supported language
> you need to have a different directory and 1033 is the code used for
> English. I don't know the code required for Japan but you can look at
> C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio 8\VC\bin directory and see
> what code VC++ is using. After that try to rename the 1033 directory
> to what is required for Japan. Tell me whether that works.

Japanese diretory is 1041.

After rename it, I tried to use Visual Haskell 0.2. But same error dialog
opened and exit Visual Studio, too.

shelarcy <shelarcy    capella.freemail.ne.jp>

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